martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

Annoying Vulture Eye

      There was a man that hated the vulture eye of an old man because the man thought that that eye was horrible and terrifying. This man spy the old man for seven nights always at midnight and the eight night this man was desesperated because that vulture eye of the old man  was very annoying to him so the man decided to kill him when he was at sleep. The eight night at midnight he was at the old mans house waiting to the old man sleeps. When the old man get sleep the man go with a knife and kill the old man and the vulture eye never open again. The man cut the arms, legs, and head of the old man and hide this pieces of dead body under the boards of the floor. Then the police arrived and start talking  with the man of what happen because a neighbor hear a scream and call the police. When they were talking the man start to hear an annoying noise, it was the heart beat of the old man. This noise was very loud and the man could supported more that noise and admit that he could the old man.

The imagery of the story was extraordinary and well use because it makes you see and also feel like the environment in that house, the cold and freezing environment, and the horrible vulture eye of the old man. For example: 

His eye was like an eye of a vulture, the eye of one of those terribles birds that watch and wait while an animal dies, and then fall upon the dead body and pull it to pieces to eat it.

The man is a desesperated man because of the old mans vultures eye, he doesn't tolerated anymore so he make what he had to make, kill the old man. For example:
Yes!Yes!. I killed him. Pull up the boards and you shall see!
This quote shows that the man killed the old man and hide it under the floor boards and is taking guilty if the homicide.

This great and awesome story written by Edgar Allan Poe, a great author is an excepcional story. This story has a lot of suspense when the man is a second of killing the old man or when he is a second of telling the truth that he killed the old man because of the vulture eye. The theme of the story teechs you a lesson of thinking twice before acting so you don't make dump things like the man did.

Time for an exam

     One day Dickie wake up, and it was his birthday. Dickie was going to be twelve years old. His parents didn't talk about the exam until he was twelve years old, all kids should take that exam when they were twelve years old. Dickie was at breakfast with his mother and father and Dickie ask about the exams, and his mother reply that it was like an exam of the government to know your intelligence. Then the father of Dicie take him to the government were took the exam. They were waiting till they called Dickie to pass to the room 404. When Dickie enter to the room a man told him  to drink something strange that makes you tell the truth. Dickie sit down on a chair and drink that strange liquid. The man said that he would be asked some questions and he had to answer in the microphone. When Dickie already finish the exam, the mom recieve a call from the government. The call was saying that Dickie overpass the regulated intelligence according to rule 84 section 5. So Dickie was going to be killed.

courtroom.jpgThe imagery used in the story makes you visualize well what is happening in the story and also to understand the story. An example of imagery from the book is:
The room was a cold and official as a courtroom, with long benches flanking metal tables. There were severals fathers and sons already there, and a thin-lipped woman with cropped black hair was passing out sheets of paper.

Dickie is the protagonist from the story "Examination Day", he is an obedient person and also he is an intelligent person. For example:
Your classification number is 600-115. Drink this, Richard.
This quote shows that Dickie is an obedient person, because he drink this strange liquid when they told him to drink it.

This short story from the author Henry Sleaser is an awesome and an interesting story because it has suspense for what was the results from Dickie of the exam. The theme if the story is totally true because some people are very jealous of other people that are more intelligent than them, like in this case Dickie is more intelligent than the expected.