sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

How much control should the government have over citizens?

Even thoughthat the government have much control of the life of the citizens, the people should have more freedom.  The government should just control the services of people but not their sociable and intimate life. It should control like social services, what we do on the streets (on the city), or at work. But, in our houses we are free to do anything because is your intimate life. Government should only control our outside life, our inside life we control it.

In the Truman Show, Christof control every part of Truman's life. It is like if it is all planned to happen the way it is. Christof don't let Truman live his own life, the way he want. At all time they are spying and watching Truman to know what he is doing. In conclusion, all is planned, his life what he do, and what would happends next.

It would be sad and bad that someone control your life like in the Truman show. It doesn't let you live your life the way you want and what you want to do when you grow up, you can't. Like in Truman show at the end he discovers that his life was all planned and controlled, if  I discovered that, I would feel very fake, sad and I wouldn't know in who I trust. Also I would like to meet real people that I like and that they like me.

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