lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Having new memories

Now that Jonas has his new job, he is very honored in the community because his is going to be the "new receiver of memory". To be the new receiver of memory  is the most honor job in this community, is the most important. Now, Jonas has to go into a training to become the "new receiver of memory", the one who trains him is the old Giver. When he entered into a lock doors (Jonas was surprised to see lock doors), there was all of books in there, also he saw a man, an old man, maybe he was The Giver.....

 Yes, that old man was the Giver, he said that he was going to pass memories to Jonas. But like what memories? There were memories from a lot of generations, like from millions years ago. The Giver had to pass his memories to Jonas. To pass the memories they both had to grab their hands and the Giver would pass his memories. One memory was that Jonas was falling from a snowy mountain in a sled, when he finish he ask to the Giver why are no more mountains and snow, and the Giver said because hills was a waste of time traveling (all is flat) them and snow was difficult to build crops.

Jonas was surprised about the new memory he had about snow, hills and sleds. But he want more memories but for the Giver is exhausting to pass memories to another person, so Jonas insist and the Giver give him a memory about sunshine (it was a little painful to Jonas because the sun was burning his skin), when the memory finish, Jonas aced about sunshine. Why there is no more sunshine? Because it start burning, and "climate control" put a "fake" sunshine.

jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

The Giver (Chapter 6-8)

           The chapter of the Giver from 6-8 were awesome because they give the jobs to the 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and more. Also the 8 now have bicycles so they can ride and now they don't have to put ribbons. To give the jobs to them, they have a number from where they born like Jonas is 19. The Elders choose the jobs depending on what the kid is best on, and when they were telling the jobs ( in order of each number of the kid) the number of Jonas, 19, they skipped and he stay surprised because they don't say to him his job. When all have now there jobs told they tell Jonas his job. They tell to him that he would be a the new receiver.

           They explain to Jonas that he would be train to be the new receiver. The old receiver would train him and they warn Jonas that it would be very painful his training, and Jonas was scared and surprised about it. Also there are strings rules. There is a story that one kid named Caleb was near a river and he fell into the river and died and then a new baby was named Caleb, is kind of weird to name someone that died into a new baby.

           This community in my opinion is kind of weird because of this strange rules that they have. Also this community is too perfect, is like too well organized. They don't exist imperfections in this community all have to be perfect.

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

The Giver-Chapter 1-5

           Jonas and all its citizens, including his family live under a government that control people.  The government organize almost all the parts of the citizens life, like what is going to be their profession. Also the government is very extrict because citizens  have 3 strikes, if they do something wrong they have one strike and when they get to 3 strikes and they are released. Release means when you go to somewhere else, like you are not anymore part of the community you are with. When you do something wrong they say it in a monitor and all people can hear it but they doesn't say your name because they don't want you to be humiliated.

           In that community is not to tolerated the differences that is why there are no  mirrors  so people can't look at each other. If you point out a difference is a strike and also they say it in the monitor. The government has all organized, each age have a group, like there is a group of 12 years    ( were Jonas is). Parents doesn't have their own babys, there is a ceremony were they give to parents a baby (is not there own baby, is of someone else). Is obligated for kids to work extra hours in places that they can help like  in a hospital, so they can choose the profession they want to.

           I think that this book that we are reading (The Giver) is very interesting because is showing how can government have so much control over its citizens. Also the book is interesting to me because it when you start reading you want to keep reading it forever because it always leaves you with one thing more important than the other so you want to know what would happened next, it creates fun and suspense at the same time.