jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

The Giver (Chapter 6-8)

           The chapter of the Giver from 6-8 were awesome because they give the jobs to the 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and more. Also the 8 now have bicycles so they can ride and now they don't have to put ribbons. To give the jobs to them, they have a number from where they born like Jonas is 19. The Elders choose the jobs depending on what the kid is best on, and when they were telling the jobs ( in order of each number of the kid) the number of Jonas, 19, they skipped and he stay surprised because they don't say to him his job. When all have now there jobs told they tell Jonas his job. They tell to him that he would be a the new receiver.

           They explain to Jonas that he would be train to be the new receiver. The old receiver would train him and they warn Jonas that it would be very painful his training, and Jonas was scared and surprised about it. Also there are strings rules. There is a story that one kid named Caleb was near a river and he fell into the river and died and then a new baby was named Caleb, is kind of weird to name someone that died into a new baby.

           This community in my opinion is kind of weird because of this strange rules that they have. Also this community is too perfect, is like too well organized. They don't exist imperfections in this community all have to be perfect.

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Ignacio, I fond your blog really interesting, it has as lot of strong ideas and thoughts. What kind of physical pain do you think Jonas training will include?
