lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Hopes & Millestones

Being something meaningful for the world
To have a beautiful family with kids
To play soccer
Help animals and the environment

Learning to play soccer
Be the third best player of the soccer team of Argentina
Go to the Ba-Cup tournament (Argentinas tournament)
Getting good grades

I have the hope of being something meaningful to the world, to the people, and kids. To inspire them with my acts. I don't want to be a person that came to the world do nothing and then leave it with out a single signal that he was in this world, living. My dad always told that if I'm going to do something be the best on it. This words from my dad are very meaningful to me I live my life by this words of my dad.

My milestone is when I go to the soccer tournament in Argentina it was the most amazing event that had happened to me in my entire life. With only 13 years I was going to play outside of the country, to compete with other teams from other countries. This was awesome, has no words to describe the amazing and awsome that it was. Because of this tournament is thatI play soccer the way I play because this give experience and that counts and also make better my strength, hoe fast I'm, my phisic, and the ability with the ball.

Roles in life

When I was in the first grade I didn't know with who to be friends with. And had no friends so I was alone the recess till one day I met a kid named Federico Perez, so since that day I hang out with my friend in the recess and we invited each other to our houses to spend the day. This was so amazing having a best friend because when were there for each other, someone that makes you laugh when you needed. That is why he become my best friend.

When my sister was 7 years she wanted to play soccer like I so she ask me if I could train her and I obviously said yes. In that time I lived right next to my cousins house so I also train her that was 6 years old. It was summer vacation and we go out to train in our patio every morning. Every day I teach them something different. I was their teacher. And my job as a soccer trainer was really good because my cousin and my sister are the best of the team.

My father and my mother tell me that when a was a baby I cried a lot, that if I wanted something I cried, like if I wanted to eat I cry or watch tv I cry. So I was a crybaby. They tell me that they couldn't take me to a restaurant because I cried to much and my brother was very silent. So my brother and I were very different.

Making decisions with prompts

I go to train everyday soccer, sweat the shirt and the repeated again all this, this was because I wanted to go to Argentina to play soccer, when the DT was choosing the ones that go and he chose me and  in that moment I realized that putting effort you can make anything.

There I was in school in my English quimester exam, some answers were a little bit doubted to me because I didn't study to much for this exam. When they gave my grade I was disappointed, If only I would study more.

It started out as an ordinary day, I get into the bus and go to school, but I was forgetting something but I couldn't remeber what was it. But then I remember it, I needed to do the math homework so I take out my notebook and started doing it before I get to school.

Writing memories with a list of words

Disappointment: When I get a bad grade in the partial of math
Accomplishments: When I was chose to go to the soccer tournament in Argentina
Conflicts: When my brother and I were fighting for the team of soccer that who will won the Champions League
Fears: Once I saw a scary movie that really impacted me because I couldn't sleep for a lot of nights.
Luck: My brother has a lot of luck when we are playing fifa
Enemies: the bad guy of Batman
Gratitude: When we all are in Christmas I feel very thankful for all we had
Jealousy: Once the soccer team of my brother winned my team

When I go to Argentina wa the first soccer tournament that I went to play in another country. This was very exciting and also very difficult to win because they were big guys and all the kids in there were taller than me and that gave some terror but I put it a lot of effort to it and a even made a goal, the first goal of the team. Also I talk of this tournament in my three-sentence memoir. And this trip I did with my friends and had so much fun with them, if  I could to repeat this trip, I'll obiously do it.

When my brother and I are playing fifa is so much fun because he choose his favorite team and I choose my favorite team and then we play to see who wins. The match is so interesting because my brother and I played fifa at the same level, means that we played equally as good as the other so that make it interesting. But my brother is so lucky that he make me goals of lucky and he wins the match.

My life summarized in 3 sentences

Born in August 15 with my twin named Sebastian. I had played soccer all my life. At seventh grade I go to a soccer tournament in Argentina, the tournament was named Ba-Cup, and at the end of the tournament I get to the third best of the team.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015

Memories A-Z

Argentina soccer tournament
Brazil 2014
Donate my cloth to poor families 
Emilia my sister was born 
Go fishing with my family
Home move to a new home
Intercolegial soccer tournament 
Koalas in safari in Mexico
Lions in a safari in Mexico
Mexico, Cancun 
Nike 10km run with my mom
Octopus when I went snorkeling 
Pasochoa trip with my family 
Quiznos I go to eat
RealBañiles team with my friends played soccer tournament 
Soccer player named Mascherano 
Third place of best soccer player of the team in Argentina 
Uefa Champions League final 
Washington D.C go to visit my grandma 
X-ray my broken forehead
Zebras in a safari in Mexico 

martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

Annoying Vulture Eye

      There was a man that hated the vulture eye of an old man because the man thought that that eye was horrible and terrifying. This man spy the old man for seven nights always at midnight and the eight night this man was desesperated because that vulture eye of the old man  was very annoying to him so the man decided to kill him when he was at sleep. The eight night at midnight he was at the old mans house waiting to the old man sleeps. When the old man get sleep the man go with a knife and kill the old man and the vulture eye never open again. The man cut the arms, legs, and head of the old man and hide this pieces of dead body under the boards of the floor. Then the police arrived and start talking  with the man of what happen because a neighbor hear a scream and call the police. When they were talking the man start to hear an annoying noise, it was the heart beat of the old man. This noise was very loud and the man could supported more that noise and admit that he could the old man.

The imagery of the story was extraordinary and well use because it makes you see and also feel like the environment in that house, the cold and freezing environment, and the horrible vulture eye of the old man. For example: 

His eye was like an eye of a vulture, the eye of one of those terribles birds that watch and wait while an animal dies, and then fall upon the dead body and pull it to pieces to eat it.

The man is a desesperated man because of the old mans vultures eye, he doesn't tolerated anymore so he make what he had to make, kill the old man. For example:
Yes!Yes!. I killed him. Pull up the boards and you shall see!
This quote shows that the man killed the old man and hide it under the floor boards and is taking guilty if the homicide.

This great and awesome story written by Edgar Allan Poe, a great author is an excepcional story. This story has a lot of suspense when the man is a second of killing the old man or when he is a second of telling the truth that he killed the old man because of the vulture eye. The theme of the story teechs you a lesson of thinking twice before acting so you don't make dump things like the man did.

Time for an exam

     One day Dickie wake up, and it was his birthday. Dickie was going to be twelve years old. His parents didn't talk about the exam until he was twelve years old, all kids should take that exam when they were twelve years old. Dickie was at breakfast with his mother and father and Dickie ask about the exams, and his mother reply that it was like an exam of the government to know your intelligence. Then the father of Dicie take him to the government were took the exam. They were waiting till they called Dickie to pass to the room 404. When Dickie enter to the room a man told him  to drink something strange that makes you tell the truth. Dickie sit down on a chair and drink that strange liquid. The man said that he would be asked some questions and he had to answer in the microphone. When Dickie already finish the exam, the mom recieve a call from the government. The call was saying that Dickie overpass the regulated intelligence according to rule 84 section 5. So Dickie was going to be killed.

courtroom.jpgThe imagery used in the story makes you visualize well what is happening in the story and also to understand the story. An example of imagery from the book is:
The room was a cold and official as a courtroom, with long benches flanking metal tables. There were severals fathers and sons already there, and a thin-lipped woman with cropped black hair was passing out sheets of paper.

Dickie is the protagonist from the story "Examination Day", he is an obedient person and also he is an intelligent person. For example:
Your classification number is 600-115. Drink this, Richard.
This quote shows that Dickie is an obedient person, because he drink this strange liquid when they told him to drink it.

This short story from the author Henry Sleaser is an awesome and an interesting story because it has suspense for what was the results from Dickie of the exam. The theme if the story is totally true because some people are very jealous of other people that are more intelligent than them, like in this case Dickie is more intelligent than the expected.

lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

a new feeling, love and happiness

One day when Jonas go to the Annex for training, he saw The Giver a little sad so Jonas ask to him why was he sad and it was because of a memory that The Giver had.So Jonas want to help The Giver to don not feel pain anymore and take him away the me
mory.  When Jonas saw what was the memory about it was so sad and painful. The memory was about that Jonas was in a war and all was
destroyed and he saw a boy laying on the floor and he was like almost dying so Jonas gave water to him. After that the boy stay still and he died. Then it appear a man with a horse, then the man fall from the horse like he was dying, then the memory end. Jonas wake up from the memory and stay like shocked because he had never seen so much pain.

Now that Jonas only think on the memory of war, the Giver now give to Jonas joyful, happiness, and fun memories. So Jonas ask to the Giver fro his best memory, his happiest memory. So Jonas lay on the bed and the Giver put his hands on his back and starts the memory: he was in a roo
m with a family and in the corner there was a tree full of light and decorations, and old people were living with childrens and adults and that is rare for Jonas because that doesn't happens any more. Jonas had a great feeling that he couldn't describe it, it was love. When the memory ended Jonas thanked the Giver for that happy memory. He was fascinated for the feeling of love, that he got home and asked his parents if they love him. Their parents got furious because they said that, that word was meaningless.

The next day when he go with his friend Asher and Fiona they were playing a game with guns like if they were an imaginary war, and Jonas start thinking of the memory of warfare, and he said to stop playing that, that they didn't know what they are playing. When it was night dad told that tomorrow he would released the twins so he have to sleep well. Then Jonas go to the Giver to ask him a question about the last receiver, what happened to her? They tell them the "big failure", his name was Rosemary, she failed because e she started the training with painful memories, not with joyful memories so she stay shocked of receiving too much painful memories and she applied for released. So all the memories came back to people and the Giver had to take them away.

lunes, 5 de enero de 2015

new colors for Jonas

No that Jonas may lie, in the Morning Rituals he did not tell his dreams to his mom, he lie. Also something was happening something very strange to Jonas, he starts seeing the things differently,   HE STARTS SEEING COLORS FOR THE FIRST TIME, Jonas was very surprised he had never see colors before. He stayed surprised also because he was told that any people in the community had never see colors in all their lifes and they would never see. The first color he sees was the color in red. He saw it in the hair of Fiona for the first time.

Jonas ask to the Giver "why not all the people see colors like me?" and it was because if they all see colors they would like to take decisions and all would be a disaster, and the government could not control all the citizens with the decisions. Jonas had a memory that some men with the skinned black were hunting real elephants, so one day in the past they exist real elephants. The Giver would past the first pain memory to Jonas, and it was in a sleding, in a snow mountain he was sledding down and he fall of the sled and break a bone and when he wake up he still feels the pain.

Jonas was told that he would have to choose from a twins that would be born in some weeks, that he would have to choose between one twin and another twin, one would be released and the other twin would stay in the Community. When all that past Jonas help Gabriel to sleep and when he touches the back of Gabriel it past him the memory of the sail boat in the lake. But why? Maybe is because the light colors eyes? Now Gabriel have a memory!!!