lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Hopes & Millestones

Being something meaningful for the world
To have a beautiful family with kids
To play soccer
Help animals and the environment

Learning to play soccer
Be the third best player of the soccer team of Argentina
Go to the Ba-Cup tournament (Argentinas tournament)
Getting good grades

I have the hope of being something meaningful to the world, to the people, and kids. To inspire them with my acts. I don't want to be a person that came to the world do nothing and then leave it with out a single signal that he was in this world, living. My dad always told that if I'm going to do something be the best on it. This words from my dad are very meaningful to me I live my life by this words of my dad.

My milestone is when I go to the soccer tournament in Argentina it was the most amazing event that had happened to me in my entire life. With only 13 years I was going to play outside of the country, to compete with other teams from other countries. This was awesome, has no words to describe the amazing and awsome that it was. Because of this tournament is thatI play soccer the way I play because this give experience and that counts and also make better my strength, hoe fast I'm, my phisic, and the ability with the ball.

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