lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Writing memories with a list of words

Disappointment: When I get a bad grade in the partial of math
Accomplishments: When I was chose to go to the soccer tournament in Argentina
Conflicts: When my brother and I were fighting for the team of soccer that who will won the Champions League
Fears: Once I saw a scary movie that really impacted me because I couldn't sleep for a lot of nights.
Luck: My brother has a lot of luck when we are playing fifa
Enemies: the bad guy of Batman
Gratitude: When we all are in Christmas I feel very thankful for all we had
Jealousy: Once the soccer team of my brother winned my team

When I go to Argentina wa the first soccer tournament that I went to play in another country. This was very exciting and also very difficult to win because they were big guys and all the kids in there were taller than me and that gave some terror but I put it a lot of effort to it and a even made a goal, the first goal of the team. Also I talk of this tournament in my three-sentence memoir. And this trip I did with my friends and had so much fun with them, if  I could to repeat this trip, I'll obiously do it.

When my brother and I are playing fifa is so much fun because he choose his favorite team and I choose my favorite team and then we play to see who wins. The match is so interesting because my brother and I played fifa at the same level, means that we played equally as good as the other so that make it interesting. But my brother is so lucky that he make me goals of lucky and he wins the match.

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